Work Smart. Snack Smart.

We as dancers are forever on the run. We are also forever hungry! Coming across healthy choices with little or no preparation is hard to come by. Sometimes we get that last minute call for an audition right after classes and don’t have time to grab a fortifying meal. Most dance teachers out there have 6-8 hour days, normally with no break. So how can we get the nutrients we need to be the best we can?

The thing with getting the right snacks in, is that they involve just a bit of time. We would recommend taking a set time every week, when you can, to pack snacks for the whole week. That way, you can just grab them and hit the road!

Whole Fruit to Fill The Hole!
One great way to snack on the go, is to get a bowl, fill it with some fresh fruit like apples, bananas, pears, oranges, etc. If they are visible, chances are, you are more likely to grab it on the way out. Fruits, and vegetables of course, are great sources of nutrients. In addition, a balanced diet containing fruits, may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. Choose whole fruit instead of juice. An orange has two times as much fiber and half as much sugar as a 12-ounce glass of orange juice. Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories and are also cholesterol free. Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients that are underconsumed, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Next time you’re heading out the door, grab a banana and orange for the road! Keep those energy levels up and bodies going!

There are so many benefits to having vegetables integrated into your diet. Some of us can get bored with just plain veggies, so spice them up a bit! Steam some snap peas, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots then throw a light dusting of salt and garlic on them. These are great cold or still warm from the fresh steaming. If you don’t mind them raw, shake it up with some dips. Combine your favorite salsa recipe with some Greek yogurt and dive in. You can also add a little salt, pepper, and garlic to a low-fat sour cream or Greek yogurt for a tasty, complimentary dip to your favorite raw veggies.

Go A Little Nutty!
Nuts are packed chock-full of vitamins, minerals, heart-healthy fats and protein! The best ways to go nutty is with pistachios, cashews and almonds. One serving of 23 almonds contains 160 calories, 6 grams of protein,  and 14 grams of fat. Next up with the best bang for your buck are cashews. In about 16 to 18 cashews, you’re getting 5 grams protein and 13 grams of fat. Pistachios bring up the tail end of the best. In 49 nuts, 6 grams protein and 13 grams fat are fed into your system. HEALTH Magazine also says to “…avoid nuts packaged or roasted in oil; instead, eat them raw or dry roasted…” Also, steer clear of macadamia nuts and pecans. These two contain the lowest amount of protein and the highest amount of fat.

To Bar or Not To Bar…?
There are lots of myths with a lot of meal replacing or protein bars. You just have to be very careful in which ones you choose, so do some research. For the dancer or athlete on the go, you will want to look for the bars that are high in protein and lower in sugar and sodium. You will see the carbohydrate count and may get scared if one looks abnormally high. Remember, there are good and bad carbohydrates. Your good carbohydrates will come from healthy, whole grain sources such as whole wheat bread, rye, barley and quinoa. Take a look at the ingredients of the bar in question before putting it down.

ANS Fitness and Physical Therapy is very big on making the best choices to reach your maximum success. In addition to eating well and snacking healthy, overall fitness for any task is imperative! Contact us today to set up your initial consultation and let us identify any deficits! We can help you be a better you!

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